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    Rev. Lyn, like so many of us, experienced times when automatic thoughts about possible things happening would repeat on a never ending loop of busy mind & affect her emotionally and physically. She discovered a training held at Jefferson Hospital, Myrna Brind Center for Mindfulness in 2008. It is known as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction,(MBSR), developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, at University of Massachusetts Medical School. This eight week course was designed to help patients cope with stress, pain, & illness by using "moment-to-moment awareness". Rev. Lyn attended the 8-week course, the advanced MBSR training, week-long in person training at Omega Holistic Institute. She continued practicing & learning through supervision at Jefferson for 2-years.

    During this time, Rev. Lyn also discovered Dr. Daniel Siegel, MD, & the Mindsight approach of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB). By practicing this method plus MBSR, Rev. Lyn was able to understand how difficult attachment issues arising in our childhood influence our nervous system & prime us for anxiety & mistrust. Through practices, we can reclaim emotional & mental balance & attain an integration of parts of ourselves. The ultimate outcome of integration is harmony, flexibility, & wellbeing. The absence of integration leads to chaos and rigidity. Rev. Lyn uses these holistic approaches and others to promote resiliency, adaptability & breakthroughs for her clients.
    Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) has shown Rev. Lyn how every interaction between individuals is an exchange of "energy & information". Applying this with individual clients, couples or family sessions helps clients recognize their own perceptions or the perceptions of others may be false & lead to negative over reactions. IPNB practices bring clients to more presence, safety, & feelings of being heard, seen, & felt. 'Wheel of Awareness', centering elicits a sense of safety & calm, like the bottom of the ocean. "Regardless of what is happening on the water's surface, the ocean floor remains calm & peaceful."
    • Biofield Tuning – vibrational clearing improves relationships by releasing stuck energy of distress from prior experiences, held in physical body & subtle energy fields outside the body so old wounded energy will not arise to contaminate the present moment. We feel lighter & more emotionally, physically, & energetically balanced.
    Over two decades ago, Rev. Lyn experienced trauma leading to PTSD. She found her healing through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine of acupressure points, this simple tapping method, combined with words relating to what is distressful & what is healing, successfully dissolves the activation so clients feel lighter. Rev. Lyn has since taken numerous additional trainings for trauma including Brainspotting & Bodyspotting. These mind body somatic practices use focused mindfulness to deactivate implicit distress in sub cortical region of the brain. These elegant practices not only deactivate the charge of trauma, but they also enhance our ability to realize hope, trust, safety & post traumatic growth!
    As an ordained Peace Minister and Interfaith Minister, Rev. Lyn is also available for spiritual counseling, pre-marital counseling & to officiate ceremonies and rituals for all occasions, including weddings, renewal of vows, funerals, memorials, unveilings, house blessings & the naming of babies.


  • Holistic Integration of Mind, Emotions, Body, Spirit, Soul. Intuitive guidance plus natural methods for accessing each of these, viewing from the perspective of higher frequency, higher self and developing clarity of who we are, why we are here & our purpose.
  • Applying The Map of Consciousness as a lens to attune to what frequencies are we repeating to stay stuck & what is needed so we can rise.
  • Clearing of non-beneficial energies affecting our thoughts, physical spaces, relationships, & goals.
  • Creatively accessing multigenerational or other relational systems where there are exiles, abandonments, cuts off, estrangements, enmeshments, alliances, splitting. Perceiving what was, what is and what can possibly be improved.
  • Using energetic directional clearing of projects, goals, so they can be accomplished.
  • Supporting Highly Sensitive Individuals, Black Sheep of family, Spiritual Awakenings, Spiritual Emergence, Spiritual Coaching, Life Crossroads & Transitions, Healthy Aging, Empowerment, Sexuality.
Rev. Lyn notes that while psychotherapy generally doesn’t allow the practitioner to touch the client, her ordination as a minister allows her to perform hands on healing. "The energy wants to move; life & love want to come forward," she says. "I work with the knowing field of energy to guide clients to a deeper place of spirit, a place of peace.

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