Throughout her life, Rev. Lyn has felt a connection to spirit, higher power, creator & an attunement to energy, her own & other
people's. She also has a respectful & appreciative connection to nature, seeing herself as a steward of the earth, plants & water. At
some point, she realized she was a highly sensitive empath. Her sensitivity skills have enhanced over her years as a psychotherapist,
hypnotherapist, energy worker (Reiki Master) & Advanced Biofield Tuner. When meeting with clients, she is very present, empathic, able
to sense their energy, emotions & body language. Her presence & attunement create a feeling of safety & support for clients. She serves
as a way-shower for clients to see beyond fear & resonate from a place of love. It takes courage for anyone to go deeper to find that
place, but the rewards are enormous.
- Advanced Biofield Tuning (vibrational frequency balancing of body & surrounding field),
Clinical Hypnotherapy, QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique; Dolores Cannon regression protocol for realizing our soul’s
purpose, lessons, healing, & why we are here.
- EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), Brainspotting, Bodyspotting, (releasing
implicit distress by gazing at a visual point that's connected to what we are feeling & working through, combined with therapist
attunement.), Trauma Focused, Breathwork, Strength-Based Interventions, Transpersonal (spiritual & holistic).
- Spiritual Coaching & Mentoring, Family Systems Constellations for Multi-generational &
Intergenerational concerns, Interpersonal Neurobiology for improving self-awareness, awareness of others, improving relationships
for individuals, couples & families.
- Inter-Relational Focusing a dual attunement process of diving into our own mind body for
answers & understanding while being supported by a therapist companion.
- CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for reprogramming cognitive distortions & false beliefs,
NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming (techniques to understand & change how we think and behave with language), MBSR Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction practices to bring our attention to the power of being in the present moment.
Everything we are aware of & experience with our senses is energy. This includes what we notice in our mind & our thought forms
Once we recognize our thoughts are energy, we can become empowered to change those that no longer serve us & create an inner
landscape that is healthier & more positive affirming. Rev. Lyn supports client’s awareness, so they become more confident.
Advanced Biofield Tuning, uses the vibrational frequency of various tuning forks to move and clear stagnant or unprocessed
energy in & around the body. The many protocols of BT & attunement of Rev. Lyn to each client’s energy signature, neutralizes
energetic static creating calmness, lightness & relaxed feeling. In addition to tuning forks, Rev. Lyn uses her voice in toning
with & without crystal bowls of various chakra frequencies. Typically, at least three Biofield Tuning sessions are recommended
to facilitate noticeable change. Many clients choose to schedule BT sessions monthly.