- Family Conflict, Divorce, Premarital & Marital, & Marital Repair & Open Relationships, Non Monogamy
- Womens & Men's Issues, Parenting, Peer Relationships, Life Coaching, Veteran's Issues
- ADHD, Anger Management, Chronic Pain, Coping Skills, Impulse Control & Mood Disorders, Sleep, & Insomnia
- Highly Sensitive Empaths, Self Empowerment, & Spirituality
- Depression, Grief, Self Esteem & Stress
- Life Transitions, Bisexual, Homosexuals, Lesbian, & LGBTQ+
Lyn notes that while psychotherapy generally doesn’t allow the practitioner to touch the client, her ordination as a minister allows her
to perform hands on healing. "The energy wants to move; life & love want to come forward," she says. "I work with the knowing field
of energy to guide clients to a deeper place of spirit, a place of peace.